Welcome to the Habboon Triwizard Tournament blog!
We started off Task 1 on a wonderful note this morning! Competitors met right before the task began and were explained the rules of the competition. Everyone was nervous and in anticipation for the event to begin!
In case you needed a recap, our chosen competitors are:
USERS: kuntessa, devil, hus, ethereal, and car103 STAFF: carnage, tonta, brad, p, and katie
Here is a quick recap of what Task 1 was all about (written by user Deniss who wired the entire task! thanks!)
Competitors will have to face different task to get closer to dragon (white tiles). While standing on tiles, all dragons will have 3 possible spaces to hit them at (sphere blocks). Competitors have to hit dragon 3 times (by double clicking the sphere blocks (DON’T FORGET TO HOLD SHIFT WHILE DOING SO!!)). They have to hit the dragon in specific combination (it can be the same sphere block 3 times, it can all be different, no one knows). If user double clicks a ball and nothing happens, it means the ball is right and they can double click the next one. If they double click a ball and they teleport back - it was the wrong one! When dragon is hit correctly 3 times, users have to stand on a gold colour tile to grab the egg and stop the time!
Once the event began and we let people start coming in, many people came to support their house's competitors. Most notable were the matching gryffindor house students who came out to support the Gryffindor competitors: car103 and kuntessa!
Competitors tried their hardest and unfortunately, no one was able to defeat the dragon and capture his golden egg! However, competitors were instead scored on their performance. The further you made it in the competition, the higher the score you achieved!
Below is a recap of each competitors attempts/a summary of the task they had to complete before a chance at attacking the dragon!
1st COMPETITOR: kuntessa
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
kuntessa walked out of the competitor's tent ready for her challenge in her stylish gryffindor outfit! you go girl. kuntessa's task was to go through the path of moving rock seats in order to reach the dragon's white tiles.
after many unsuccessful attempts, kuntessa was unable to reach the white tiles and time ran out :(
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
hus faced the same challenge as kuntessa and unfortunately did not make it aswell.
However, hus was able to make it further down the rock path than kuntessa did, which earned her a point more than kuntessa in the competition! You go, hus!
3rd COMPETITOR: ethereal
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
ethereal had a different task than kuntessa and hus. His task was snake run with a twist. The path would change every time he walked onto the red rollers, which made this task incredibly difficult! He was able to reach halfway through the path which made him be in the lead at this point of the game!
4th COMPETITOR: car103
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
User car103 really heated up the competition when he was able to reach 3/4 of the way to the dragon! His task was to avoid walking on the red tiles AND to walk on the blue tiles ONLY when the fire was not lit. The colored tiles on the path would change colors constantly which made this task incredibly tedious and time consuming. How he was able to even get 3/4 of the way through is beyond me. After car103's performance, he secured his place as 1st place in the USER category for Task 1.
5th COMPETITOR: carnage
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
carnage was feeling the pressure as she was the first staff member to perform in this morning's task 1 of the Triwizard Tournament. Her task was to avoid the moving red tiles and make her way to the dragon. She was successful at reaching the white tiles, but, unfortunately, clicked the wrong combination of spheres underneath the dragon and was sent to the beginning of a new challenge towards the dragon! carnage was the first user to make it successfully to the dragon. congratulations!
6th COMPETITOR: tonta
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
tonta was given the dreaded rock seat task of the competition! She consistently attempted to get through but was unable to make it past the first section of the task.
7th COMPETITOR: brad
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
Just like user car103, brad was tasked to make it through the path without stepping on red tiles and ONLY walking when the fire tiles were not lit. He was unsuccessful at making it even halfway through the path.
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
p wowed the crowd with his nonchalant attempt at making it to the dragon. With ease, he was able to make it TWICE through the incredibly difficult snake run task. Within the first 3 minutes of his turn, he became task 1's top competitor. He was. unfortunately, not successful at attacking the dragon by clicking the spheres in the right order.
9th COMPETITOR: katie
TIME: 00:00 (did not complete challenge)
katie was not the least bit happy to see that she was given the rock task. Although she was upset the entire time, she was able to actually make it 3/4 of the way through the rock task (something past competitors weren't able to do AT ALL). Making it this far in the task secured her place as 2nd place in the STAFF category. Congratulations katie!
That is all for this week's Triwizard Tournament!
Tune in next week for a recap of Task 2!
Note from Boon Adventure team
We apologize for the difficulty of Task 1 and assure competitors that the second task will be doable. NOT EASY, but doable, maybe. ;)
We remind users and competitors that Triwizard Tournament was designed to provide hard tasks and new engaging games for competitors to complete. The tournament in the Harry Potter books/movies were hard daunting tasks and that is the same attitude we approached our tasks with.
We hope everyone enjoyed today's events. It has brought us a lot of joy to bring new and exciting concepts and events to Habboon.
We love all the support that many users have given us within the past week of starting Harry Potter events and we are looking forward to the rest of the month's events!
- cookie (Boon Adventure's Rita Skeeter for the month)